What are the correct steps of conducting a coordinated illumination

  1. Select AF / FFE in the 1st panel
  2. Enter the grid location in the 2nd panel
  3. Select the target description, and the method of engagement in the 3rd panel.

Method of engagement should be with lesser guns than the total amount of guns in the battery. This is because the remaining guns should be available to fire HE while the others are occupied with Illum. Assuming that there are 4 guns in the gunline select 2 guns for the Illum transmission, whereas the other 2 can be used for the HE rounds which will be fired later.

  1. In the 4th panel select Illumination Mark button from the Subsequent Corrections panel and transmit.
  2. When the 4th panel pops up again under Other Methods of Fire Control select Coordinated Illumination and transmit. The First panel will pop up with already selected options.
  3. After the 1st transmission window pops up, click transmit.
  4. After the 2nd transmission window pops up, click transmit.
  5. In the 3rd transmission window, under method of engagement select the ammunition as HE for the remaining number of guns. (As mentioned in step 3 select the remaining guns for the HE rounds).
  6. If the guns selection has not been done correctly there will be an error produced in the radio log as follows : “GUN SELECTION CAUSED TO CONFLICTS”.